Things to do during Lockdown - Write a book

Published by Stephen Dann in Business Growth · 18 May 2022
Tags: growthmarketinginnovation
Write a book, then write another one, then why not write a third one and make it a series…

Back in March 2020 when Lockdown happened, my 2020 client projects, schedules and plans were all cancelled. This unexpectedly created the space and time to draw together over 40 years of ideas, tools, techniques, and experiences. I had always intended to write a book at some stage, but certainly not yet and writing 3 in succesion wasn't on the bucket list.

I am really honoured that the forwards to these books have been written by inspiring individuals who I respect enormously - thank you @Peter Thomson @Chris Bullick @ Chuck Dymer.

Getting proof copies for each book was quite exciting, but seeing a whole pile of them ……

So what did I learn?
1) Structure is everything in creating any sort of content. Its so tempting just to dive in and start writing, but time spent figuring out and planning the structure is essential. This way you know where every point will sit and can cross reference accordingly.

2) Define the profile of the reader fully. Knowing who you are trying to enagage with, envisioning them as a real person helps keep the content relevant and fresh.

3) Use technology to keep consistent - there are plenty of authoring and grammer tools available but also tools that check your style and readabilty.

4) Don't do your own proof reading!

Books all available through this website or from Amazon and Waterstones

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