Innovation - Business Impact Solutions

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The Innovation Journey
Too many ideas, too few ideas or none at all ....
The pace of change in business, technology and markets has never been greater - even the most innovative cannot stand still.
So, innovation is not a one-off event, but a sequence of ideas and ongoing actions that will take you forwards into the future.
The different stages of the innovation process require very differnt approaches, skills and resources.
Innovation Journey
The first stage in the innovation journey is to establish a clear focus so that once the idea generation phase is commenced the ideas are totally relevant. Narrowing down those ideas through rigorous selection is essential to ensure that resources are invested to best effect.  Development and delivery requires an entirely different set of, skills, disciplines and focus to ensure that innovation rapidly hits the market and drives the business forwards. Successful innovation journeys demand disciplined first class skils in creativity and project management.

Creativity or Innovation?
Creativity is defined as the having new ideas. Innovation is about putting those ideas into practise with a commercial impact.
So, you will need the tools for both thinking and doing.
Idea & concept generation
Selection & filtering
Resource & project management
Implementation & delivery
Innovation and Creativity
Thinking Agenda
Innovation is challenging, hard work, exhausting, and frustrating; but ultimately extremely satisfying and rewarding - but it needs clarity of focus and strict process.
Simply asking people just to come up with ideas or suggestions is unlikely to yield ground-breaking results.
Because the ideas are inevitably poor, they are not progressed, the team becomes discouraged and therefore they cease to contribute. So start with a clear focus.
Thinking Agenda
"One of the prime reasons that businesses fail is because they run out of ideas or the energy to pursue them." Stephen Dann
Worksheets: Coming Soon
Templates: Coming Soon
Checklists: Coming Soon
7 Bucketts Farm Close
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Hampshire, SO32 2NT
(+44) 1489-896364
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